Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya,Wax food model shop in Tokyo Skytree Town

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya Tokyo Skytree

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya is a souvenir shop in Tokyo Skytree Town that sells limited and artistic wax food model. There is also a good souvenir named “Samplen” , which you can make wax food model at your home with your own hands.

And, you may watch the show of creating traditional wax food models by craftsman if you have a little luck when you come this shop.

“Samplen” Let’s try to make it!

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya

This spaghetti is one of the wax food of “Samplen”. It’s chance to make fake food by yourself.

This will be a good souvenir.

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya

These are wax food of Japanese Sushi. It’s gorgeous unless they are fake.

Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya

I heard of that now 2015, the craftsmen of making fake food like these are decreasing.

So wax food model shop like this is super rare. You may as well come here!



Telephone number:81-3-5809-7089

Business time:10:00AM~9:00PM

Placed at:10th block on 4th floor of Tokyo Solamachi


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