restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi

Tokyo Skytree

“Derifrance” Cafe Restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi

Derifrance is a brand of cafe which has more than 500 branches all over the world. Here, Solamachi branch sell limited s...
Tokyo Skytree

“Michikusa Mochi”Wagashi restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi

Michikusa Mochi is a limited Wagashi restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi produced by Shinkinu, which is famous for Wagashi mad...
Japanese Souvenir

”Asakusa Umezono” Wagashi restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi

Asakusa Umezono is an old Wagashi restaurant established more than 150 years ago. Solamachi branch is placed on Solamach...
Tokyo Skytree

Dip Style Ramen, Super popular ramen restaurant in Tokyo Solamachi

Tokyo Rokurisha is a popular ramen restaurant which is placed in Osaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo as headquarter. But its branch ...
Tokyo Skytree

Hitsumabushi restaurant at Tokyo Skytree

Hittsumabushi Nagoya Binchou is a restaurant opened on the sixth floor of Tokyo Solamachi East Yard. What is Hitsumabush...